On Fri, 06 Oct 2000, Matt Steven wrote:
> On Thu, 05 Oct 2000, you wrote:
> > I doesn't know why but eatch time I reboot :
> >  first time the running usb the computer doesn't respond @all and only
> > the secon time is successfull any idea ?
> I have experienced it hanging up at the point where the USB modules are
> loaded in the 7.2b.  I haven't had time to figure out what the problem was,
> you can get around it by rebooting (ctrl+alt+del).  It's only happened a
> few times.

Hi ,
  exacly as u said when the usb module lanch it hangup (YOU COULDN'T REBOOT 
USING CTRL+ALT+DEL)  . and in my computer it'exactly happened 1/2 time . 
this is NOT good at all . 

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