
I must declare that I am fully accelerated when I meet NVIDIA's raw
power. The depth to 32 bits gives me a floating out sensation to engulf
1600x1200, but only when she is capable of admitting me to know her
inner streams, and to use the right canals of communication.

I have tried their card, with RedHat 6.2, Mandrake 7.1 and now Debian
Potato and none of them, would have allowed a newcomer to Linux to fully
use even software acceleration with Mesa.

I find it a technical stupidity that the mother company is not capable
of supporting at least a good way of handshaking, to their cards. Zero
killed and all those inner secrets, but it ought to be possible to
reveal how best to use the Linux own drivers. As it is today not even
the amount of graphic memory is fully accessed to the above

I find that your discussing partner is oxshitting, meaning spreading a
less fertile variety of bullshit.


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