Anti-Mandrake FUD: choose your favorites!

I just noticed that someone has linked my monthly "sales" posting from 
linuxtoday, and curious as I am,
I went there and read the user comments. Great news: FUD still rulez! Let me summarize 
some of it:

 KDE-only (sure. except for all the other GUIs!)
 Desktop-only (except that it happens to work great as a server!)
 based on RH (no comment.)
 only for beginners (I bet all of our developers are beginners, what?)

Have I missed some of your favorites? Please feel free to contribute your favorites: 
I'll try to arrange a voting for "FUD of the year", and I don't want to miss some.

I did not see "it is unsecure", popping up yet, but therefore there was a guy saying 
that RH gets many more downloads, 
as a source of information. This is a nice one, I never saw this particular FUD before!

FYI: yup, they do. On a place which cites them and TurboLinux as primary sponsors. And 
which isn't on our mirrors list. Fine place for a comparison!.-)

Now you may wonder why I'm not upsetm right? Well, simply because each of these FUDs 
was promptly answered by someone 
who obviously uses LM, and knows what he is talking about. As long as our users are 
happy, I'm happy :-). As for the download numbers - could someone dig me out the 
tucows download statistics for distros? It used to be here, but it's gone now. LM has 
been the hottest pick there since 
beginning of the year, and I bet it didn't get any cooler in the meantime. .-)

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