On Fri Oct 20, 2000 at 12:00:38PM -0500, Don Head wrote:

> >> Just curious, while building Apache 1.3.14, will
> >> you be doing PHP 4.0.3p1 as well?  A few bugs and
> >> a memory leak were fixed.
> > 
> > This is the plan.  We realize the importance of
> > a new PHP.  One thing you need to understand is
> > that packages like Apache and PHP aren't
> > trivial...  they are extremely complex (and
> > annoying).  I'm glad jm is doing them and not
> > me... =)  So while it may not be out right
> > away, it will be done shortly.
> Oh believe me, I know that.  Why do you think I
> use Mandrake as a distro rather than roll my own?
> And I do know you guys have a lot to do, too.  I
> was just curious, no hurry.

=)  That's good to know...  And yeah, jm was quite busy which is why
it wasn't done sooner, but I have faith in him...  I would like to use
the newer php myself... =)

> You guys are great, btw. =)


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