root wrote:
> I downloaded these iso's burned them, loaded them and the instsall
> provess won't get past the "timeZone" query, it just flashes a windows
> saying error in time zone data, What is up with that, Please help!

You did of course run md5sum for each CD image against the md5sum
values distributed with the two iso images, didn't you?  If a
mismatch, use an rsync re-download to correct the bad image - this
will involve only a minimum of download bandwidth - and do md5sum
check again.

You may be able to get another md5sum check direct from the CDs by
running md5sum /dev/cdrom (but I have never tried it).

Later:  Tried it (using the device that wrote the CD, in my case
/dev/sr0, and with the CD loaded, but NOT mounted).    I got an
md5sum match with my downloaded iso image, but neither matched the
Mandrake-supplied md5sums downloaded with the isos from aarnet
here.   These latter refer to different file names (ulysses, not
odyssey). so I conclude they have not been updated and are incorrect.


Ron. [AU]

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