Hi ,
   since the 7.2 is closly finished (some small problems but.....
   do you think y will better help trying the alpha cooker of the 7.3 (8) or  
   stay on the test of 7.2 until it will be out ;-)?

    If to start testing the 8 version  will help you please let me know how   
    many is instable this alpha version , sice I'm testing it on my works     
    station . (I do my  all my computers works in my test station ;-( but I 
do a cd backup all feww days).?

     ans : ---

      1- not working @ all 
      2- work few seconds and froze
      3 - works but with a lot of crash and could corrupt you data       
(stability of windows 2001;-)
      4 - works but  with a lot of crash        (stability of microft's rc;-)
      5 - works with few crashes a day (stability of windows Me final;-)
      6 - works but sometime crash (stability of windows 98)
      7 - works but very few small bug (curent stability of 7.2 rc)
      8 -
      9 -
    10 - perfect ;-) (will be I hopes the stability grade of the 7.2)

I know it's hard to tell me this but I want to decide myself if starting try 
it is relevant ;-)

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