from the quill of [EMAIL PROTECTED] on scroll <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hello!  I've uploaded this file to  Until it 
>appears at the mirrors, you can download it from 
>, or use the rpm2html database at 
> -------
> Name        : nessus                       Relocations: (not relocateable)
> Version     : 1.0.5                             Vendor: MandrakeSoft
> Release     : 1mdk                          Build Date: Sun Oct 22 17:39:44 2000

Got the following when installing:

# rpm -ivh /tmp/nessus-1.0.5-1mdk.i586.rpm 
nessus                      ##################################################
Starting nessusd: Generating primes:
Couldn't open the directory called "/usr/lib/nessus/plugins"
Check /etc//nessus/nessusd.conf
nessus-plugins              ##################################################
nessus-client               ##################################################

These might be benign errors but they are disconcerting all the same.

I had to stop (to clean up the /var/run files) and start
/etc/rc.d/init.d/nessusd to get the server running.

Then when I ran nessus it would not authenticate me:

[Fri Oct 27 11:02:02 2000][1542] Client requested protocol version 101. 
[Fri Oct 27 11:02:02 2000][1542] Installing IO thread id tracker. 
[Fri Oct 27 11:02:03 2000][1542] bad login attempt from 

but I have never used nessus before and have not read any docs on it yet
so it could very easily just be me being an idiot.  :-)


Brian J. Murrell

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