On Sun, 29 Oct 2000, Geoffrey Lee wrote:

> Yo,
> On Sun, Oct 29, 2000 at 02:10:00PM +0100, Sebastian Dransfeld wrote:
> > sebastid@s186b:~$ /usr/sbin/chksession -x=Enlightenment
> > #!/bin/sh
> > 
> > [ -f $HOME ] || {
> > /usr/bin/enlightenment.install
> > }
> > exec /usr/bin/enlightenment
> >
> Umm, probably should be -d $HOME ...

Which makes about no more sense, because that will always(?) return true.

Someone should do a check here, because it is annoying when the .xsession
gets deleted on each login. Does noone use Enlightenment?

The part below is the only interesting part of
if [ -e $HOME"/.enlightenment" ]; then
  if [ -e $HOME"/.enlightenment/.initialized" ]; then
    echo "You have installed Enlightenment 0.16 or greater already and
    echo "run it before. Everything should be fine."
    echo "You seem to have had either an Enlightenment version earlier
    echo "0.16.0 installed or a 0.16 development snapshot. Your
    echo "directory will be renamed to .enlightenment.old just in case."
    mv $HOME"/.enlightenment" $HOME"/.enlightenment.old"


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