Here are some problems i encountered when trying to use docbook on my
new shiny 7.2:

- smgl-tools installs /usr/lib/sgml/iso-entities-8879.1986, whereas
everything related to sgml is in /usr/share/sgml : needs to be BigMoved

- docbook-dssl-1.57 and smgl-tools installation script use
macros-generated path in /etc/sgml/, resulting in double
slash path :

- finally, after installing all sgml*, docbook* and openjade package, i
can't generate html documentation with db2html:
jade:E: cannot open
"/usr/lib/sgml/stylesheets/nwalsh-modular/html/docbook.dsl" (Aucun
fichier ou rpertoire de ce type)
jade:E: specification document does not have the DSSSL architecture as a
base architecture
I looked into openjade package for configuration files, i found nothing.
my DTD declaration is <!DOCTYPE article PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook

So, hwo can i correct this, and do i really need all those package ? I'm
totally new to SGML, i just wanted to make cool HOWTO-style page :-)
Guillaume Rousse

Murphy's law : If anything can go wrong, it will.
O'Tool's commentary : Murphy was an optimist.

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