
I've been trying to set up an account for my wife. In an attempt to make it as
easy to use as possible I made it go straight into X after a login (I don't
like booting straight into level 5 !) and tried to give her taskbar buttons to
shutdown and reboot.

After reading the man page for shutdown I decided that /etc/shutdown.allow with
the -a option was the way to go !

shutdown just seems to ignore the -a option ! According to the man page :
Only if one of those authorized  users  or  root  is  logged  in,  it  will
proceed. Otherwise it will  write the message

       shutdown: no authorized users logged in

The message does not appear, what does appear is :
shutdown: must be root

Could some nice person tell me :
1) What should be in /etc/shutdown.allow
2) How can I allow a non root user to shutdown.


It's amazing what you find you don't know when you have to go back to basic
sys. admin tasks !!!

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