During the bombing raid on Thu, 2 Nov 2000 08:23:47 -0800 (PST), Brian J.
Murrell was heard mumbling in fear::

> from the quill of Leon Brooks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on scroll
>  > 
>  > ReiserFS has served me well. It's especially nice to be able to
>  > install into it
>  > since the mdk7.1 release.
>  Except it panics the kernel in hackkernel-2.4.0-0.35mdk.  :-(
>  I filed a bug on bugzilla a long time ago and it was promoted to "High"
>  priority some time ago but nothing still.  I also posted to a mailing
>  list or two and Chris Mason sent a patch or two but I have not seen
>  anything in a while from him.  I think he moved on to something else.
>  I do have it on good word from somebody who is quite involved in the
>  storage arena that ext3 is considered more stable than reiserfs.  It
>  would be nice to see it in the next round of kernels.

        Mmmm....I wouldn't think Linus would say ReiserFS will be in during the
2.4.x series (probably 2.4.1) and ext3 won't (well...he didn't say it won't,
but he hasn't said it will) if this where true.  ReiserFS is at the moment
considered pretty stable and fast by most of the people I've talked with about
it, and most think ext3 won't be in till 2.5. 


Pain is the gift of the gods, and I'm the one they chose as their messanger....
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