Hello to all
    I will try to comment the answers I've got.  Please see below.

Many many many thanks


Try the latest Win4Lin, Beta4 I think. Magic.

I bought win4lin 1.0 and tried beta3 two months ago.  When I upgrade my mandrake box to 7.2, I didn't manage to install win4lin.  I don't want to
recompile the kernel, so I wonder whether someone could tell me hwo to
install win4lin smoothly.


I've do a fullscreen with vmware it just do the screen very buggy and not 
usable I hopes that the next version of vmware (2.0.3(it's in RC r8 now)) 
will have support for DGA 2 ;-)

Does it mean that you managed to use Xfree 4.01 with dga with vmware?

> >     SubSection  "extmod"
> > #   Option  "omit xfree86-dga"
> >     EndSubSection
> >

Nothing similar in my XF86Config.  Have I missed something?

Thanks a lot.


PS.  Someone on the list suggested that this question belongs to another forum, is that so?

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