Jason Straight wrote:
> I have NERVER had a problem in over 4 years of linux with
> anything like that that wasn't directly related to AMD processors or RAM.

> Here come the AMD zealot flames. :)

They do indeed.

I've had no problems at all using all manner of AMD-K6-II chips. Not saying AMD
have wings and haloes, just that I've never ever had an AMD-specific problem.
I've only had a very few Intel problems (Linux actually worked around any that
might have been problems). I've had endless trouble with Cyrix chips, but have
friends who swear by them. We all agree that the WinChips sucked (ran like
wounded dogs if at all) while they were around.

With MDK 7.2rc1, have had problems with about half of the S3 cards I try. They
work under FB but not XFree 4.0.1, and swapping in an *identical* card sometimes
fixes it.

Have had problems starting at about 300MHz-time with some motherboards (both
Intel and AMD chips have done this) not accessing ISA cards reliably no matter
what I do with the buss timings.

"The difference between scientists and engineers is that
when engineers screw up, people die." -- Professor Orthlieb

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