Chmouel, how am I supposed to send you a bug report?  I went to 
Console 2 and entered "bug", which generated a 583k file 
"report.bug", but sympa@tampax keeps rejecting it "we accept only 
messages shorter than 100kb".

I did an expert developer install from hd.img and it failed in 
post-install configuration phase. (Locales).  Although there were no 
error messages (on Console 7) during RPM installation, a subsequent 
(failed) update revealed that many packages had not been installed.  
Bug report was attached on 2 previous failed postings.

PS  Thanks for the linux_logo tip, Vincent.
Peter Ruskin                            <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Wrexham, UK                            KDE - the professionals' choice
                           Uptime 3 hours 39 minutes

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