On Wednesday 15 November 2000 08:23 pm, you wrote:
> Hello,
> I have built a full set of kde 2 rpm's for 7.2 (NOT COOKER). Before I
> put these into MandrakeUpdate (if we do) I would like to let some
> people test them. I have made these available on one of my own
> servers at:
> ftp://nebsllc.com/pub/KDE_UPDATE

> 1. Are these valid updates? Do they offer you any improvements, look
> and feel, functionality?

    'feel'  seems even a little quicker, ps/2 mouse is smoother, but 
see below
> 2. Is anything in them now broken, that wasn't broken before? In
> other words do they break anything.

   I d'l all the rpm's to a dir, then tried 'rpm -Uvh --test *'.  The 
kdegames rpm came up missin 'libkdegames.so.1'  so i moved 'games' out 
of the dir and tried --test again.  This time i got no report, so I did 
-Uvh on the rest of the rpm's with no problems.  

   As soon as I installed your rpms I started getting all kinds of 
errors trying to close or open any apps, menus were trashed including 
the panel and it's icons (tiny). So I re-booted ;)  That solved the 
'errors'. I fixed menus and icons by logging into root's desktop and 
runnin Menudrake | reload. I also did that (Menudrake) after logging 
into my user desktop and then all was well again, including apps/icons 
I've added since install.

    BTW, every game I try still works fine, even tho I didn't install 
that rpm.  I installed your 'libical' rpm even tho that rpm wasn't 
already on the system.  Same of course for kdevelop, but it crashes 
with a sig11 as soon as i click on it in the menu, as does 

> NOTE: Use these at your own risk! They work on my machines, have no
> idea what will happen on yours. There is also a new dependency for
> kdepim on libical, the rpm for this is in the same directory.
> -Chris

  Hardware is an oc'd p3-450 on a soyo 6ba+III (BX chipset), 256mb 
pc100 @ 135mhz cas2, Voodoo3-2k pci, ISA modem and AWE64, Mandrake 7.2 
is on ide0 slave, ata/33 WD 8.4g   Fresh 7.2 install had -0- problems

    getting back to 'feel'...   I have a 'tiny' panel with several app 
icons between the 'K' and the window buttons.  Now since installing 
your rpm's Chris, as I move the mouse pointer over my little 'tiny' 
panel icons, _BIG_ icons pop out!  It's sort'a cool, but I believe it's 
gonna take some gettin use to ;)  It _is_ supposed to be like that now, 
right?  ;) 

   Only minor problem I've seen so far is that I had to reduce the 
window title font to 12pt (Comic Sans Win TTF) to get it back up onto 
the bar, and it's still slap down on the bottom (ie, not centered as it 
use to be)

   That's all for now, hope this is of some help.
Tom Brinkman       [EMAIL PROTECTED]     Galveston Bay

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