
> Well, as we are all discovering right now, that is because there are
> different 'versions' of 7.2, all of them clearly marked as '7.2', with no
> real way of differentiating them, and what you get when you get them.
> Thus, *your* 7.2 *has* joe, and thus *my* 7.2 does *not* have joe.
> Thanks to Pixel for pointing to the faq that somehow explains this, albeit
> it still lacks a list of what files are missing from the 'complete' version
> from MacMillan.

Think about this, I didn't tell you to look through the CD: it's still available
for downlaod and yes I admit the marketing is probably bad, and I can understand
why you must be frustrated but: at leaset please search through the Mandrake 
ftp directory before you decidly try to flame the list for having removed joe.
My point in my "arrogance" (as you call it) is because you decide to flame the
list, at least try to be a bit polite? You know people here are all trying to
help, and langague may differ (depending on humour and mood) I hope you understnad
people on this list are not dummys for you to bash.

Ok, let's stop at that.

Geoffrey Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

~/.signature 中文big5 compliant (You can't see it thanks to new glibc. :p)


"Seven days in a honeymoon makes one whole week."

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