On Mon Nov 20, 2000 at 02:42:10PM +0100, Christian Gennerat wrote:

> > > I have upgraded with it in my PC running mdk7.2 Odissey
> > > Then I have rebooted.
> > > I cannot access the modules any more.
> > > depmod -av replies only "\n"
> > >
> > > no modules -> no drivers -> no cd, no network
> > > I think I must re-install all.
> In fact, I have a small partition (100 Mo) with a reduced Mandrake 7.0
> on the same machine, which can access to cdrom or nfs

So you can boot up when you use the new modutils?

> > Why did you install the cooker modutils?  There is an official update
> > for 7.2 that works fine...
> I have tested  modutils-2.3.20-1.1mdk.i586.rpm from
> ftp.tu-clausthal.de            modutils-2.3.20-1.1mdk.i586.rpm  
> and I have exactly the same:
> depmod -av
> does not output anything.
> Have you tested this version?

Hmmm... let's see, on my Corporate Server 1.0 box I have
modutils-2.3.20-1.2mdk installed and it works perfect.  depmod -av
gives me lots of output.  On my Mandrake 7.2 box I have
modutils-2.3.20-1.1mdk and it also works perfectly.  So, yes, it has
been tested on both versions of Mandrake (7.1 and 7.2) and they work

> > On both 7.1 and 7.2, /sbin/depmod -a runs
> > fine and generates the new modules.* files without a problem.  I think
> > because of the different compilers used, you blew your system using a
> > cooker modutils instead of the 7.2 modutils MandrakeUpdate provides.
> I have re-installed modutils- (downloaded from cooker on Oct 31),
> and it works fine again.

I honestly can't say what your problem is... perhaps Chmouel will have
an idea, but modutils works just fine for me here.  On my corporate
server box I am running kernel-2.2.16-9mdk and on my 7.2 box I am
running 2.2.17-21mdk.  Not sure if this makes a difference as far as
modutils is concerned, but it might.

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