Christian Gennerat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> kernel-2.4-toolkit
> Some features have changed between k-2.2 and k-2.4
> It would be useful to make a package with configuration
> examples, and documentation about what have changed
> modules.conf should be is one chapter of this.

as keith answered it was a a bug in modutils-2.3.20. But when i'll
release kernel rpm, i'll put this changes files (writing it every day)

::Changes between 2.2.x kernel and 2.4::

alsa is merged into the kernel-??? (when ??? is -smp or normal or other
kernel package) as well as alsa-source is merged in kernel-source

kernel-headers doen't provide anymore a link to the source kernel but
the real headers file, we should recompile the glibc with the last
kernel-headers before releasing.

the configs files are now also located in /usr/src/linux/configs/ (i
hope one day to do autodetection of running kernel and set the .config
appropriate when building).

::Notes on kernel::

We use the pcmcia modules from the user space package (aka: pcmcia-cs)
and not from the kernel.

::Build options::

there is some macros you can define at the building process using
--define (like rpm --define 'kgcc 0' -ba kernel-2.4.spec):
         boot => it is a kernel we generate for the BOOT kernel ?
         kgcc => build with the kgcc compiler or not
         reiserfs => build with reiserfs support or not.

Now to build kernel rpm, we change only one config file the UP and
EnableOrDisable feature at the build process.

MandrakeSoft Inc           

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