
I have cups-1.1.4-5.1 installed on Mandrake 7.2 from MandrakeUpdates.

Try as I may, I cannot get remote printing to show any sign of
working.   I give up.

I have two PCs on a LAN, called big and small, with big having a HP
Deskjet 970Cxi installed by cups.  

Cups is installed on both machines, daemons running.

Cups must be the most stupid-bug-ridden and unresponsive (errors
suppressed) software I have ever encountered in my 36 years in this
field.    For example, why when I try to set up a new remote printer
on my non-printer machine does it instead create a non-existent
remote printer on my printer-equipped machine?

Please tell me step by step on my small machine how to get cups to
print on the printer attached to the big machine.  This simple and
obvious subject is NOT covered in either of the manuals, would you

Step by step, simply, please.  Every action.


Ron. [AU]

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