Using IDE drives??

Check the IDE driver setting with hdparm

hdparm -c3 -d1 -m16 /dev/hda

Pedro Rosa wrote:

> I cheked the work of the new kernel and came into two features:
> On network file transfers. It seems 10-15% slower than previous 
> kernels. And this situation is observed both on SMB and NCP. On NFS it 
> does not seem to be significatively slower but it strangely behaves by 
> foing up and down in the bit rate. Usually I get something around 
> 2.45Mb/sec (+- 0,2Mb). Now it sometimes jumps nearly 3.1Mb/sec. and 
> drops down to 2.2-2.4.
> There is one program that is quite popular among some movie fans - 
> aviplay. Till the last kernel (Boudjonah's special breed) it worked 
> ok. Now it claims it can't find the "time-stamp counter". This is the 
> tsc register own Intel processors. The same happens on the original 
> test-11.
> Oh. And i2c patches do break v4l, specially this is related to bttv's 
> drivers as some chipsets (mine included) demand i2c support. The 
> original test-11 kernel  everything gets compiled without problems.
> And one last thing: I used gcc 2.96 as usual.
> Ektanoor

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