On Saturday 25 November 2000 02:15, Ron Stodden wrote:
> Ben Reser wrote:
> > Okay let me get this right.  You won't use a command line ftp client or
> > even say gFTP with 7.2 so you reboot into 7.1 so you can drag and drop
> > for ftp?
> Correct.   KDE 2.0 is presumed to be an advance over KDE 1.1, yet
> there has been an unacceptable degreee of regression, as if they tore
> up everything and started over with a new team which rushed on
> regardless without ever bothering to look at the existing, and
> already coded, 1.1 features.

I agree.
        Peter Ruskin,  Wrexham, UK  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>     
                    Preferred desktop environment KDE 1.1.2
                 Linux 2.2.17-27mdk, Uptime 5 hours 59 minutes

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