On Tuesday 05 December 2000 15:06, RA wrote:
> (Mirror)/stable/latest/distribution/rpm/Mandrake/README:
> >The 2.0.1 release hasn't been packaged for Mandrake, because
> >the current packages in cooker are more up to date, so they contain more
> >functionality, although they are a little bit less stable.
> >See http://www.linux-mandrake.com/en/cookerdevel.php3 for more about
> >cooker (note that it's the development version of Mandrake, to use
> >carefully!)
> Fine. Make a rpm test install of the cooker kde-files. As expected I got a
> lot of dependencies, basically this (duplicated dependecies omitted):

This is really weird because of the following reasons:
1. I visited ftp.kde.org last night, and the Mandrake rpm dir for 2.0.1 
contained 2.0.1 rpms for Mandrake, 15 minutes later they were removed (I 
managed to download almost one of the rpms)
2. The kde packages in cooker are from the cvs of kde 2.1.0, and even though 
it is stable here, I would think they'd prefer to give and option for users 
to run 2.0.1.   Running a _potentially_ unstable DE isn't acceptable for most 

I'm cc'ing this mail to the mandrake mailing-lists in hope of Mandrake 
rereleasing the 2.0.1 rpms.

\ Christian A Strømmen /
\ Number1/NumeroUno @ Undernet - Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] /
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