XEmacs antialiased :)

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Date: Tue, 12 Dec 2000 05:53:17 -0500
From: Vladimir Vukicevic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Render] xemacs antialiased text patch

So, I got very excited by antialiased xterms (had to hack my video card driver
to use fb instead of cfb to get it, silly ati!) and hacked XEmacs to use
antialiased text. The patch is available at
http://www.intrepid.com/~vladimir/xemacs21_aa.patch.gz, obligatory screenshot at

The patch has a few issues (it will clip the status line if a line is half-visible,
and a few color things that I haven't tracked down yet.), but by and large it works.

Kudos to Keith for all the work he did in bringing antialiased text to X :-)

        - Vlad

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