pablito wrote:
> Is anyone posting cooker iso files anywhere?  I only have a slow T-line
> connection (about 300kbs) and it's very difficult to download all of the
> individual files and keep them all matched up so that they install
> correctly.  It would be really helpful to post these iso files, maybe even
> weekly ones, so that people like me who are just beginning to figure Linux
> out can see what the new version's like.

If you have disk space to download 2 iso files, then you would have
the disk space to download the cooker tree and install from it
directly using a floppy created from /images/hd.img.   This is much
faster and avoids the need to burn any CDs.

The download of the Cooker tree can be significantly speeded up and
space-reduced for users who only want an English_GB installation by
using my special perl rsync script designed for this purpose and very
popular among users here.   The use of rsync guarantees you that
everything is kept all matched up.  It also converts all file updates
to much faster simple patch runs using rsync's superb technology.  
Read about it and download from:

Licence is GPL.


Ron. [AU]

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