On Sat Dec 23, 2000 at 06:33:56PM +0100, andre wrote:

> > kernel, although that would be nice.
> > 
> > Yeah, I went back to 7.2 after picking the wrong day to try a clean
> > install of cooker... =)  Can't be out of the loop for too long, you
> > know.  Ah well... learned my lesson... cooker testing goes on in
> > vmware from this point forward.
> > 
> If you use cooker via vmware i hope that you test cooker also regularly on bare 
>"metal". I don't think that you can notice problems with X that way.

Fair enough... Once I'm comfortable with nuking my 7.2 work system to
put cooker on it, I'll be doing it.  I normally run cooker all of the
time, but yesterday Drakx would not do the install for me at all, and
I ended up wasting a few hours fiddling with it and
re-installing/re-configuring 7.2.  While I enjoy using cooker, I think
the powers that be would be upset if all my time was spent trying to
debug the installer instead of actually working... =)

To be safe (and more productive), I'll be testing it in VMWare until I
feel like doing a re-install on my primary system.  I don't have very
many non-critical machines around here that can handle the downtime of
a bad install.  =(

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