> > Just get KDE2.1beta1 from KDE FTP - the Mandrake RPMs for 7.2 or the
> tarballs
> > (both in unstable).  It comes complete with CD AutoRun on the Multimedia
> menu
> > and it works a treat.

a) That would work if I had / or could get anything to appear in the KDE
menus !!!  :-(   Origionally I was getting two enteries for each menu
item. After playing around with the Mandrake menu editor for a while I
could get back to only one entry and then kcontrol would work. But close
the Mandrake menu editor and the two items per entry problem would be
back. So then I tried kmenuedit. Oh dear, I now have empty menus and
nothing appears to be able to get them back ! Certainly not
update-menus. I Have contacted a KDE mailing list and got short shrift
about it not being a KDE problem but a Mandrake menu editor problem.
This would appear to be correct given that after playing with the
Mandrake menu editor the menu's could be made to work. However,
kmenuedit has some very severe problems. For example, if, say, kpackage
is removed using kmenuedit some files vital to running kpackage are also
removed and kpackage will no longer run !

b) Shouldn't the kcontrol program actually had some entries in it !!!
:-( I get the main frame, but where there should be a tree of items
there is just a big white box.

c) In KDE 1 kppp would shut down the connection on exiting KDE / X. This
no longer happens. The 'phone connection is alive and well after X has

I realise that these are KDE issues, but I don't seem to get very far
with the KDE mailing lists. Anyone else fancy a try !


On 28 Dec 2000 21:47:47 +0000, OS wrote:
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Peter Ruskin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Tuesday, December 19, 2000 11:43 PM
> Subject: Re: [Cooker] Auto mount of music CD's
> >
> > On Tuesday 19 December 2000 10:22, Francis Galiegue wrote:
> > > On Thu, 14 Dec 2000, OS wrote:
> > > > Hello,
> > > >
> > > > Does any one know how to get music CD's to start playing when they are
> > > > inserted ?
> > > >
> > > > Using the Red Hat machines at work it works, the Mandrake ones do not
> !
> > >
> > > RH is using magicdev, this is why. Unfortunately it brings more problem
> > > than solutions, according to lkml...
> > >
> > > I've still old stuff which can do this but which I had to drop due to a
> > > (former?) bug in supermount. If you want to hack on it, I'll point you
> to
> > > the sources.
> >
> > Just get KDE2.1beta1 from KDE FTP - the Mandrake RPMs for 7.2 or the
> tarballs
> > (both in unstable).  It comes complete with CD AutoRun on the Multimedia
> menu
> > and it works a treat.
> > Regards,
> > --
> >        -------------------------------------------------------------------
> -
> >         Peter Ruskin,  Wrexham, UK  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >                     Preferred desktop environment KDE 1.1.2
> >               Linux 2.2.17-27mdkWin4Lin, Uptime 4 hours 17 minutes
> >

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