
On Sat, Jan 13, 2001 at 11:29:38AM +0100, Alexander Skwar wrote:
> So sprach Geoffrey Lee am Sat, Jan 13, 2001 at 06:18:00PM +0800:
> > In the /usr/share/doc/rpm* ...
> Oh, yeah, you're right.  In /usr/share/doc/rpm-4.0/GROUPS there's a list of
> the valid groups - what about the sections for menu though?  Where can i
> find this?

Good question. Seems that is only available in the rpm mini-howto. :)

Well, the lsat time I heard from Alix the site is being revamped, he must
have lost the mini-rpmhowto somewhere ... luckily there is one on the 
internal intranet, I'm attaching the relevant bits here.

Geoffrey Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Anything that can go wrong will go
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
Title: Linux-Mandrake Menu Structure

Appendix D. Linux-Mandrake Menu Structure

Here's the menu structure. It is mandatory to use it.

- {Window_Manager_Name}
  - Settings
  - Action
- Configuration
  - Hardware
  - Packaging
  - Networking
  - Printing
  - Boot and Init
  - Other
- Terminals
- Applications
  - Development
    - Interpreters
    - Code generators
    - Development environments
    - Tools
  - Sciences
    - Astronomy	
    - Biology 
    - Chemistry
    - Computer science
    - Geosciences 
    - Mathematics
    - Physics
    - Other    
  - Communications
  - Editors
  - Emulators
  - Archiving
     - Compression
     - Cd burning
     - Backup
     - Other
  - Monitoring
  - Publishing
  - Shells
  - File tools
  - Text tools
- Documentation
- Office
- Networking
  - File transfer
  - IRC
  - ICQ
  - Chat
  - News
  - Mail
  - WWW
  - Remote access
  - Other
- Amusement
  - Adventure
  - Arcade
  - Boards
  - Cards
  - Puzzles
  - Sports
  - Strategy
  - Other
  - Toys
- Multimedia
  - Sound
  - Graphics
  - Video

This menu is genereated specifically by each windowmanager,
to provide specific wm related functions (restart, etc.) :

- Session
  - Management
  - Windowmanagers
  - Restart session
  - Exit session

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