on Sat, Jan 20, 2001 at 10:53:37AM +0100, Stefan van der Eijk wrote:
> > > I have the same problem,  even with the new version, bind-9.1.0-1mdk.
> > > Le Lundi 15 Janvier 2001 21:54, vous avez écrit :
> > > > I get this when I try to do a nslookup
> > > > gcc-2.96: nslookup.o: No such file or directory
> > > > gcc-2.96: dighost.o: No such file or directory
> > > > gcc-2.96: ../../lib/dns/.libs/libdns.so: No such file or directory
> > > > gcc-2.96: ../../lib/isc/.libs/libisc.so: No such file or directory
> > 
> > Ugh. Ok, let me take a look ... BTW: you should be using host instead of
> > nslookup, AFAIK, that's been deprecated.
> The nameserver (bind) doesn't work either (I've discussed this with
> Geoff in a private e-mail), yet.
> <wild speculation>
> A /etc/rndc.conf file seems to be made by the 9.1.0-1mdk package, but
> doesn't this file contain a crypto string that should be unique to the
> host? If all the mandrake hosts which are running named have the same
> /etc/rndc.conf file, does this pose a security risk for these hosts?
> </wild speculation>

No I inst all the defalut sample one ..

> When I try to start named on my box the following shows up in
> /var/log/syslog:
> Jan 20 10:43:33 d10179 named[8868]: starting BIND 9.1.0 -u named
> Jan 20 10:43:33 d10179 named[8868]: using 1 CPU
> Jan 20 10:43:33 d10179 named: named startup succeeded
> Jan 20 10:43:33 d10179 named[8872]: loading configuration from
> '/etc/named.conf'
> Jan 20 10:43:33 d10179 named[8872]: the default for the 'auth-nxdomain'
> option i
> s now 'no'
> Jan 20 10:43:33 d10179 named[8872]: no IPv6 interfaces found
> Jan 20 10:43:33 d10179 named[8872]: listening on IPv4 interface lo,
> Jan 20 10:43:33 d10179 named[8872]: listening on IPv4 interface eth0,
> 213.46.10.
> 179#53
> Jan 20 10:43:33 d10179 named[8872]: listening on IPv4 interface eth1,
> 192.168.1.
> 254#53
> Jan 20 10:43:33 d10179 named[8872]: couldn't open pid file
> '/var/lib/run/named.p
> id': No such file or directory
> Jan 20 10:43:33 d10179 named[8872]: exiting (due to early fatal error)
> I think this is quite similar to the xfs problem we had a while back...
> (on RedHat's rawhide bind package I noticed that they have a patch
> named: bind-9.1.0b1-varrun.patch).

Yep, looks like we need to apply this patch.

> Stefan

Geoffrey Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


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