On Sunday 21 January 2001 21:32, you wrote:
> What's the security level did you set? If it's security level 5 then
> root login isn't allowed - you have to login as a regular user and then
> "su" to get root access.

It was "normal", for I was able to login before upgrade do kde*-20010118-*


> Claudio wrote:
> > Hi all!
> > I've just installed LM-7.2 on my NEW (!) Dual-P3 800, it's all perfect,
> > even because I could compile 2.4.0-5mdk, gcc-2.96-0.33mdk, glibc-2.2.1
> > and gimp-1.2 for the first time without having problems.
> > Now, the only mistake (?) is that when I try to login as root from init 5
> > (I have kde-2.1pre installed, the 2.1-0.20010118.1mdk series) I'm promped
> > that "Root login are not allowed"!!!!!!!!
> > It's all OK it I login as root from init 3 and then I write startx. All
> > other users may login from init 5...
> > Anyone as this kind of problems?!
> > Many thanks, Claudio

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