Alexander Skwar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hello!
> Did some get VMware workstation 2.0.3 to install on a system running
> kernel-2.4.0-9mdk?  I don't seem to be able to do so. asks
> me, where my linux source tree is.  So I accepted the default choice of
> "/usr/src/linux/include", but the config tool wasn't happy with this - it is
> looking for version.h, which is in /usr/include/linux.  So I typed this in -
> now it complains that there is not "one of these directories "linux", "asm",
> "net"" under /usr/include/linux.
> How to go on?

you need the kernel-source installed and try also to do in
/usr/src/linux :

make mrproper
make oldconfig
make dep

and rerun the vmware script.

MandrakeSoft Inc           

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