I cannot believe that I am wasting my time reporting this YET AGAIN
but sendmail is still broken!  How many friggin' times am I going to
have to report this broken before it actually gets fixed?

How many times am I going to be told it is fixed before it's actually

I am sure everybody here remembers the last time I complained about
this problem.  Can you all believe that the huge discussion last time
did not yield a fix to the problem?

Why is this so friggin' difficult to fix?  Just go checkout the
friggin' specfile change one simple %files entry and check the damn
thing back in again!  Is it really that friggin' difficult?  Jeez,
give me commit permisions to the CVS repository and I will do it

I am starting to feel like I am wasting my time testing Cooker and
reporting problems here.  It seems like nothing ever gets fixed
anymore.  What is going on guys?  Before you answer, can I please beg
of you that you go fix the sendmail RPM?  Please?  Pretty please?



Brian J. Murrell

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