On Mon, Jan 29, 2001 at 11:45:43PM +1100, Ron Stodden wrote:
> Christian Zoffoli wrote:
> > 
> > ________________________________________________________________________
> > 
> >                 LittlePenguin.org -- New Package Uploaded
> > ________________________________________________________________________
> You don't give us any clue whether these packages are compiled for
> 7.2 or Cooker.  Without that critical information we are lost and you
> are wasting your, and everybody's, time.
> If for 7.2 you should make arrangements with MandrakeSoft to place
> these in a subdirectory (owned by you) of the new
> Mandrake-devel/unsupported/i586/ directory on the mirrors.

Yes we do have unsupported right now which means that htings are a bit messy ..

> If for Cooker, they probably should appear in a similar subdirectory
> of Mandrake-devel/contrib/

Well he can only upload the src rpm as we still need to recompile it .. usually
Lenny does this but I guess if some  MandrakeSoft guy sees a suitable packages 
that he really likes he can compile and upload it to contribs too.

Geoffrey Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Anything that can go wrong will go
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