> > broken perhaps?  Or I got censored for being an idiot, who knows.  ;-)
> > 
> > 
> > Ok, go easy on me.  I've just recently put on the chef's hat and entered the
> > kitchen.  But alas, I'm stuck at the door.
> > 
> > I've mirrored cooker to a working machine running 7.2.  I want to set up
> > over the network (NFS) to another machine, so I created the network boot
> > disk.  But the system I'm going to install on has a DLink DFE-538TX card,
> > which uses rtl8139.o.  It's not in the list of available modules (though
> > it's a decent card for the price, working for me on other machines - it
> > should work).  How do I a) add it to the list or b) get some nice person to
> > see to it that the driver is on the next version of that disk?
> Yes it seems that rtl8139.o no more exists. Investigating with the kernel
> people.

It is 8139too which is what I am using now ...see:

[glee@anakin glee]$ /sbin/lsmod | grep 8139
8139too                14848   1 (autoclean)
[glee@anakin glee]$ 

Which is what I am using for my 8139 card.

Jeff has (privately) some time ago answered me as to why this kernel module
has changed name.
Geoffrey Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Anything that can go wrong will go
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

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