
Maybe just one need to change one doc?

I have installed imap-2000-2mdk and modified the /etc/xinetd.d/imap(s) such
that imap and imaps are loaded (maybe that already could be a change in the
doc, against old inetd). And the I changed /etc/services for simap to imaps
(the second change, maybe).

And now, time for the problem... How to deal with SSL?
At which place to put the imapd.pem exactly? By which command should I exactly
create it (maybe you could also give in the doc the path to the CA.pl...).
Other file to deal with?

And just give an example on how it work with netscape messenger?

Thanks you very much,

http://ulima.unil.ch/greg ICQ:16624071 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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