> Hello,
>  I sent a few (2) mails to cooker maillist and today some guys from
> France uploaded 500MB XXX and Warez data into hidden folders on my
> computer.
>  I find it out when I came back from school. They also tried some
> "unclean" packets to my computer.
>  So: Please, read the logs and use the firewall!!!

I got hit 40 times in the last month, thing is they didn't do what they
wanted. My system is locked down
and I also use SWATCH to monitor my logs for this stuff and I get an Email
sent to my pager. I also
do remote syslog messages to another system and I contact the ISP of every
person that does this. It's
a pain in the rear but I have slowed it down. see logs below, I use proftpd
and it has some nice logs.


adsl-63-198-100-118.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net UNKNOWN ftp
[29/Jan/2001:03:14:37 -0800] "MKD .TestDir" 550 -
adsl-63-198-100-118.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net UNKNOWN ftp
[29/Jan/2001:03:14:37 -0800] "CWD /pub/phpstuff" 250 -
adsl-63-198-100-118.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net UNKNOWN ftp
[29/Jan/2001:03:14:38 -0800] "CWD /pub/phpstuff" 250 -
adsl-63-198-100-118.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net UNKNOWN ftp
[29/Jan/2001:03:14:38 -0800] "DELE .Test.1MB" 550 -
adsl-63-198-100-118.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net UNKNOWN ftp
[29/Jan/2001:03:14:38 -0800] "MKD .TestDir" 550 -

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