Christian Gennerat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Chmouel Boudjnah a écrit :
> > Christian Gennerat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >
> > > On many (or all) mirrors it is only 17 Mb long.
> > > it should be 23 or 24 Mb
> > > Where is the end of the rpm ?
> >
> > -Kvv say ?
> >
> > --
> ls -l said:
> -rw-r--r--    1 gennera1 xg       17660128 fév 16 10:39 
> I have deleted the file.
> During download, I have:
> # rpm -Kvv kernel-source-2.4.1-13mdk.i586.rpm
> D: New Header signature
> D: Signature size: 149
> D: Signature pad : 3
> D: sigsize         : 152
> D: Header + Archive: 392968
> D: expected size   : 23263179
> kernel-source-2.4.1-13mdk.i586.rpm: rpmReadSignature failed
> and the FTP listing says 17247k

the only reason i see, is a mirror problems....

i put if you want the packages on :

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