On Sun, 11 Feb 2001, Denis HAVLIK wrote:
> Hi, Folks
> Sorry for bothering You, but this is kind of important:
> As You probably know, Mandrakesoft has reccently started testing two new
> sites:
> mandrakeexpert.com (e-support) and mandrakecampus.com (e-learning)
> The idea is to get you involved (as "experts" and/or "tutors"), which
> means that we certainly want to make a site atractive for you. 
> Obviously we need Your feedback in order to improve them. I wan't bother
> you with details on this list, but please take a look at the sites, and
> post your impressions here: 
> http://forum.mandrakesoft.com/article.php3?sid=20010209120851
> In addition, please take some more time and fill this survey:
> http://testforum.mandrakesoft.com/survey.php?sid=4

Just one quick question: to whom would you like me to e-mail a bug
report?  I would use the online bug reporting, but it's the online bug
reporting system that's buggy!

MandrakeCampus looks great, and I like the idea of a GPLed training
course.  I've been asked to recommend a Linux training course for UK
school technicians, and I'm seriously considering MandrakeCampus despite
the embryonic state.


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