Hi folks,

since some time, don't know exactly when it started, I have a courious
behavior (or bug?) on my ftp-server:
This is reproduceable but I don't know the reason and how to debug this:

Always when I start my system, all works well, I can login via ftp from
another system.
After logout an make a new connection or when I try to make a 2nd
connection (parallel to the current running)
via ftp, my system reports that the connection refused (service not
"421 Service not available, remote server has closed connection"
So the in.ftpd (wu-ftp) died short after first login. The old connection
can be used without probs.
Always I have to restart xinetd to get the server back.

I have all new/current updates from cooker installed ...

 Here is the part from /var/log/messages which documents the behavior:

Feb 23 15:51:33 mumpel xinetd[1819]: xinetd Version started
Feb 23 15:51:33 mumpel xinetd[1819]: libwrap
Feb 23 15:51:33 mumpel xinetd[1819]: options compiled in.
Feb 23 15:51:33 mumpel xinetd[1819]: Started working: 4 available
Feb 23 15:51:36 mumpel xinetd: xinetd startup succeeded
First login:
Feb 23 15:52:17 mumpel ftpd[1827]: FTP LOGIN FROM goliath
[], root
Feb 23 15:52:54 mumpel ftpd[1827]: FTP session closed
2nd login:
Feb 23 15:53:28 mumpel xinetd[1829]: execv( /usr/sbin/in.ftpd ) failed:
Bad address (errno = 14)

What is the reason for this ? Does anyone have an idea ?

Thanks in advance

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