| Hi all!
| I've noticed that since, uhmm, kernel-2.4.0-xx no initrd is automatically
| built when updating the kernel package.  (Hmm, thinking of it, has it ever
| been built automatically?)
| Well, why is this?  IMO it would be better if the initrd were built.  As I
| imagine (without looking at the .spec), it's just one additional command
| the %post section:
| mkinitrd /boot/initrd-%{version}-%{release} %{version}-%{release}
| This should do it.  And so that fixing of /boot/grub/menu.lst is not
| necessary when updating kernels, I've also added a symlink
| /boot/initrd -> /boot/initrd-%{version}-%{release}.img
| This way, if only /boot/initrd is referenced in /boot/grub/menu.lst,
| /boot/grub/menu.lst doesn't need to be touched.
| I assume that something similiar also holds true for LILO, but I don't use
| LILO anymore, so I can't say for sure.  I guess that a call to /sbin/lilo
| would be necessary if LILO is used.

No it is not that simple  you must
- postuninstall : insert loop.o
- install the kernel
- postinstall : mkinitrd
- remove the loop.o

RedHat does it on its latest kernel if you want to get an easy spec file ..


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