I have tried and tried to get 8.0 beta to install on my PII 450 system. Here is 
what I have in my system.

hda - 6.4G hd     hdb - zip 100 int.     hdc - 6.4G hd     hdd - Sony CD/RW
sda - 4.3G hd     sdb - 4.3G hd

128M Ram, Matrox G450, AWE64value(ISA), 3Com 905B, 
Hauppague Win TV/Radio, Supra Express 56k int modem (ISA),
Gigabyte Motherboard, MS Optical Mouse, Adaptec 2930 SCSI controller

hda - is all win 98     
hdc - is what I have always used for linux drive

This is how my system has been configured (minus Matrox) for the last two 
years now. This configuration has been fine since v6.0 Mandrake, and RH
before that.

The installation went well. I chose expert, and just (this time) highlighted the
stars, not individual package selection. 22 minutes later, I started the post
installation. All was fine there. On another occassion, when configuring X
I chose 3D accelerated, and when I tested, it locked my system up, so this
time I chose just X4.02, and did not test. I made a boot disk. The finalizing
of the install thrashed around for like 20 minutes, with just a watch on the
screen, so I had to turn off the system.

Now all I get is kernel panic, no matter what kernel choice I make
"unable to mount ......... 16:09" I use reiserfs for all partitions but /boot
The boot disk is useless, it writes files to the disk, but is not bootable.
Actually, the light comes on, and a moment later it just trys to boot from HD

Any help as siince pre-beta 8 is running so smooth on my laptop right now

P.S. pre beta had an issue with same machine as in the fact cdrecord 
would not see my CDRW. It would see my zip, and the 2 scsi hd's only...

Brian D. Klar - CVE
(937) 656-2861
(937) 973-3125 (pager)

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