I have ver.8 installed.
So how did you to run it in konqueror ?
Eric MC

On Friday 09 March 2001 23:53, you wrote:
| Hello,
| RealPlayer is now supported by Real themselves. I down loaded RP 8 for
| Linux from www.real.com and it works just fine.
| Owen
| On Friday 09 March 2001  4:03 pm, you wrote:
| > Yes I do.
| > But no realplayer.
| > Eric MC
| >
| > On Thursday 08 March 2001 14:48, you wrote:
| > | Anybody was successful using Flash plugin in Konqueror? It is listed in
| > | plugins list, but attempt to look at site with flash gives empty
| > | screen.
| > |
| > | -andrej

When angry, count four; when very angry, swear.
                -- Mark Twain, "Pudd'nhead Wilson's Calendar"

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