As Arnd reports, it appears that you can either have AA'ed font or
_old_style_ fonts under QT 2.3.

Further, it would appear that when using AA'ed fonts you need to define them
with a XftConfig file or you will only get _FIXED_.

So if we are to effectively use QT 2.3 in a workable manner, someone will
need to make a nice XftConfig  and probably change DrakFont to understand
how to generate a XftConfig files.

My suggestion would be to build QT 2.3 with standard fonts and include a
second on one the distrubition that supports AA.


----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, March 11, 2001 8:55 AM
Subject: Re: [Cooker] Workable fix for fonts under QT 2.3

> So what changed all of a sudden in Qt to break the fonts? Seems like I
> should be able to chose from more than a list of 1 the font I want to
> use with a QT based program.

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