I was just reading on the first KDE Kernel Cousin that their new SMB browsing 
system needs libsmbclient to work - will Mandrake 8 be including this? Or 
does it use Lisa?

If it uses Lisa, wil it be set up to probe everything straight away or will 
it be shut off until root configures it? Quite a few people on the LAN that I 
work on are very paranoid and have a habit of banning people who look like 
they're port scanning, which is what Lisa appears to do.

On a related note, is Cups' Browsing broadcasting turned off by default too, 
as it took several week s before I discovered that a friend running Mandrake 
was picking up my printers from my machine down the hall. I've turned it off 
now, but it's a chore to have to do that everytime I re-install (I know, but 
my PC's been a little wierd lately. I shouldn't have to again for a while, 
but people keep asking me for 7.2 to be installed on their machines).

Sorry there's more questions than answers :(


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