On Tuesday 13 March 2001 12:50, you wrote:
| Eric MC D <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
| > For the guys on cooker:
| > is there a way to install kde1-compat-devel.... AND qt-devel-1.44... ?
| > Kde1-compat-devel ask for qt-devel-1.44
| > and the 'moc' and 'libqt.so' conflicts between qt-devel-1.44 and
| > qt2-devel !
| In general, lib policy will permit to have several versions of a lib
| installed, but only one version of the corresponding devel version.
| That's because you'll often find includes in /usr/include/<lib-name>, that
| will conflict between versions. Not counting the <lib>-config script.

The includes don't conflict because they are installed on /usr/include/qt and 
the qt2 includes on /usr/include/qt2.
These includes are necessary to COMPILE older versions of kde.
Here the pb is that moc and liqt.so are also included in the qt-devel-1.44 
devel. Even in qt2-devel.
So I think the only way to solve this pb is to rebuild the rpm without the 
requires and moc, libqt.so to install it so that it can be seen by other 
packages where the requires needs qt-devel-1.44 .
Or am I wrong ?
Eric MC

Gomme's Laws:
        (1) A backscratcher will always find new itches.
        (2) Time accelerates.
        (3) The weather at home improves as soon as you go away.

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