Please DON'T turn the default anti-alias fonts off - on some computers,
like mine, for instance, they are infinitely better than the old fonts.  The
viewers and Advanced Editor in KDE are almost unusable on my machine
with the old fonts.  The smooth scaling in Konqueror is one of the 
nicest features I've seen in a browser... the list goes on.

What we MIGHT want to do is have selecting which to use be part
of the installation.  Newbee's figuring out editing config files and 
loading fonts isn't going to happen.  It has to work right out of the
box, until, like all of us, they climb their way up the learning curve.

They do have some areas that need work, but it is such a step
forward that disabling it by default doesn't make sense.


On Saturday 17 March 2001 11:24, you wrote:
> I wish to add one more problem...
> 11. "Use antialiased fonts" is ON by default. I guess many users won't this
> untill the whole distribution could not make the KDE **usable** with those
> kind of fonts... So PLEASE (!!!) turn off that option in next
> recompilation... ;o)
>       Claudio

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