Le 2001.03.17 22:45:11 +0400, Pixel a écrit :
> Guillaume Rousse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> [...]
> > It's great, but i would like a configurable feature to exclude some
> > packages of being automatically upgraded. For instance, i always build
> my
> > own kernel from sources, and i don't want generic kernel package to be
> > installed just for satisfying dependencies.
> pixel@leia:/etc/urpmi>cat skip.list 
> kernel22
> kernel
> icewm-light
> basesystem
> ghostscript-module-X

Wow, i'm impressed.
And if i ask now for a coffee-making feature... :-) ?
Guillaume Rousse

Murphy's law : If anything can go wrong, it will.
O'Tool's commentary : Murphy was an optimist.

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