"Thomas Mangin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hello Pixel,
> As promised I done another test.
> This time I used a network install on our local copy of the cooker.
> (updated from sunsite.se the 20 th)
> The installer have a problem as you will be able to see on the report.bug
> file.

* calling mount(/dev/sda7, /mnt/var, ext2, -1058209792, )
* mounting /dev/sda8 on /mnt/home as type ext2
* calling mount(/dev/sda8, /mnt/home, ext2, -1058209792, )
* segmentation fault: seems like memory is missing as the install crashes
* segmentation fault: seems like memory is missing as the install crashes

well, can't do much about this :-(

i think someone told me a new dpt_i2o module was available, maybe that will fix?

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