On 26 Mar 2001 00:44:44 +0200, Lonely Cat wrote:
> Hi, all,
> dont know why, whenever I try to su, it says File size limit exceeded.
> System is Mandrake Cooker from ftp.sunet.se
> thanks for any clue,
> lonely
> -- 
> 2B or not 2B, that's a question. :)

I Have the same problem. If i su it creates a file which is 

ls -l .xauth/refcount/root/node1583e.a2000.nl/unix\:0

-rw-------    1 andre    andre          34 mrt 26 02:28

or 34 b big. But when i logout ls -l claims the same file is 400Mb
big(with du the filesize wil stay in the kb region)  and that is because
of my system doesn't allow file-creation of more that 400Mb. But when i
try to login .xauth/refcount/root/node1583e.a2000.nl/unix:0 is checked
if the file is not to big. I can't add above 400MB to a file so i will
get the messages  File size limit exceeded.

ls -l .xauth/refcount/root/node1583e.a2000.nl/unix\:0 

-rw-------    1 andre    andre    409600000 mrt 25 20:48

Solution: I don't know
temporary solution: remove
.xauth/refcount/root/node1583e.a2000.nl/unix:0 and you can su to root
again temporary.

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