Those numbers are probably not ¨magic numbers¨, but numbers >501
used by ´useradd´ or something...

On 2001.03.27 16:58:30 -0300 andre wrote:
> On 27 Mar 2001 15:09:26 +0200, RA wrote:
> > I've got these groups after update to beta2:
> > 
> > xgrp (504, with user xfs), ntools (505), ctools (506).
> > 
> > But during install of xfs it is complaining of missing group xfs.
> > And what is ntools, ctools?
> > 
> Who in there infinite wishdom decided to use those numbers. Mandrake
> uses already a nonstandard way to asign the userid numbers. Starting
> with 501 instead of the usuel 500
[]'s                                |    .~.  
Daniel Serodio (lobo on irc)        |    /V\
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