Thanks, but I get a "connection refused by the server" error.

Till Kamppeter wrote:
> The problem is fixed, proceed as described on
> Download from the Cooker if you have a beta of 8.0.
>    Till
> "Bruce F. Press" wrote:
> >
> > This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
> > --------------011136E15442C65459255807
> > Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> > Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
> >
> > I'm sorry, but I just can't buy that.  Those of you on desktops
> > may not be able to tell, but if you're on a laptop the fan spins
> > up when something is chewing the CPU cycles.  This happens when
> > something slips into an infinite loop (like netscape!) or when
> > compiling (fair enough).  But a daemon in a wait, or blocking
> > on a select should never do this.
> >
> > Bruce
> >
> > Civileme wrote:
> > >
> > > On Friday 30 March 2001 16:05, you wrote:
> > > > Just noticed that my CPU usage was saturating at 100% and gtop shows me
> > > > that cupsd is using 960f it. Wow! I agree this is a powerful sw, but
> > > > still...
> > > >
> > > > =-=
> > > > kk1
> > > >
> > > > ____________________________________________________________________
> > > > Get free email and a permanent address at
> > > By what instrument are you measuring it?  I know of one that will show you
> > > 99.9% CPU usage simultaneously on up to five processes!  "Wow," said my
> > > compatriates, "when can I have an SMP test machine?"
> > >
> > > And I see also the frequent report of "kapm-idled sucking up my CPU cycles"
> > >
> > > The truth is, SOME process is always waiting for an event or taking up CPU
> > > time.  Just until now the truth-in-reporting law has never been strictly
> > > enforced.  When you see an idle process hogging your CPU, look at its "nice"
> > > number.  If that is in the range of positive 16 to positive 20, it means you
> > > are letting your computer run without you, and whatever process is
> > > broadcasting a short message over the net or checking for a PIO event on a
> > > very low priority is being given all that idel time to do it.  Cups does
> > > broadcast its presence if you have a queue on your own machine, even if you
> > > have no network except  If you leave the machine on overnight,
> > > what ELSE is going to take up time besides updatedb and makewhatis?
> > >
> > > Civileme
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> >
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> > tel;work:443-656-7304
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> > version:2.1
> > email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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